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Active Writers Year 4

Active Writers is a new and exciting series covering Years 2 to 6, designed to help children become more competent and confident writers. It provides teachers with a wide range of texts in a variety of genres: fiction, non-fiction and poetry. An exemplar text for each genre is accompanied by an easy-to-follow lesson plan with differentiation advice.

Active Writers follows a structured approach:

  • Children are first guided to access the features of the text, recognise the writing skills involved and practice important aspects of language

  • It is then the children's turn to write in the specific genre. Responding to a related assessment task, learners plan their writing by following the guide supplied.

Each book contains:

  • 12 fully-planned lessons

  • An exemplar text for each genre

  • Independent writing opportunities

  • A self-assessment checklist

  • Teacher-pupil discussion producing a record signed by both.

A CD containing a differentiated writing frame for a lower level of ability, the texts and additional resources is supplied with each book.

ISBN: 9781907515699
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